www.macapplerepairs.com in Nova Scotia

www.macapplerepairs.com in Nova Scotia Introduction

We offer macOS Support & Troubleshooting for Intel and Apple silicon Macs Corrupt or older version of macOS, Unable to update or need more space, Clean instals Failed hard drives, Data recovery, Data transfer, Older unsupported Mac needs a newer version of macOS, Better security and up to date browsers. (OpenCore) DFU, Recover, Restore or Reinstall macOS (M1, M2, M3, M4) Apple silicon and Intel Macs Repairs MacBook Logic Boards (Corrosion) Repairs MacBook Liquid Damage, Drop damage Repairs MacBook New Screen Assemblies MacBook New Batteries MacBook New Keyboards & Trackpads MacBook USB-C ports etc MacBook SSDs on older models Most repairs completed in one or two days Call or email to book an appointment. 902-980-1700 or [email protected] 122 Goat Lake Road Chester, NS B0J1J0 Open 7 days a week 10am till 5pm


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