ValcoBaby jogging stroller with bassinet and accessories.

ValcoBaby jogging stroller with bassinet and accessories. Introduction

Valvo Baby Tri Mode X, the ultimate stroller! If buying new the stroller alone goes for over $600 without all the extras! Included is the Viva bassinet with insulated cover, rain cover and mesh cover, UV shade cover, jogging strap, cup holder, stroller caddy with three drink pockets, two of them insulated car seat adapter and snack tray. Snack tray swaps out for the padded bar and an infant car seat adapter fits Graco, Peg Perego and Britax. All extras are Valco Baby brand. Maneuvers snowy, icy and bumpy sidewalks with ease. Lots of room in the storage underneath for a diaper bag and zippered storage at the back of the stroller. We absolutely loved this stroller! Clean and ready to go! Pick up in River Heights, cash only.


Condition: Used - Like new
Strollers, Carriers & Car Seats
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Liz Dyer