Umbrella stroller Toys R Us

Umbrella stroller Toys R Us Introduction

Umbrella stroller Toys R Us, foldable, very compact and light weight. Experience the joy of effortless strolling with the Cosco Kids Umbrella stroller! This stroller features an adjustable canopy, offering shade from the sun's glare, a lightweight frame and effortless, compact fold. This stroller is perfect for on-the-go adventures or convenient storage in your car or closet. Whether for everyday use at home or as a convenient stroller for visits to grandparents house, this versatile companion promises fun-filled outings with your little one. [COMPACT] Easy to use compact fold [COMFORT] Comfortable curved handles [ADJUSTABLE CANOPY] Offers coverage from the sun [SECURE] Features 3 point harness [LIGHT WEIGHT] Weighs only 7lbs Holds child up to 40 pounds


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