Two Sony Compact 300 Disc Players for the Price of One

Two Sony Compact 300 Disc Players for the Price of One Introduction

Here is 2 Sony CDP-CX335 disc players. One works great the other one has hardly ever been used and needs a new belt for the turntable, a new belt can be bought on Amazon. If you have got to many cd's, this is what you need. These players holds 300 discs and you can access any one of them with or without the remote, it works like a juke box, all the discs are in a numbered slot, you just punch in your disc number and the machine turns to that number and playes the disc you picked. You can plug in a key board and input all of the disc names and ect. so you can have 600 CD's to play when ever you want and both comes with a remote and their manuals and these Sony disc players are selling for up to $400 US on Ebay, I'm asking $200 or best offer for both of them here, call 519-271-0640 if any questions.


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