Text by Lance Woolaver and Photos by Bob Brooks
Nimbus Publishing - Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2017, Soft Cover. Condition: Very Good. Maud Lewis; Bob Brooks; (illustrator). (xx) 92 pp. Oversized softcover with French Flaps. Light rubbing on the corners; no interior markings. Illustrated throughout with the colour paintings of Maud Lewis.
The Contents are: Sponsor's Message; Introduction: Maud Lewis 1903 - 1970; Preface: Recollections; Country Beginnings; Cast Away from Home; A Wedding without Bells; A House Ready for Painting; Roadside Business; A Signature of Light and Colour; A Primitive Technique; Two Artists Two Worlds; The End of Maud's Things; and The Survival of the House; followed by an Epilogue and Reflections. This was filmed in 1998, directed by Peter d'Entremont and featuring Deborah Allen.
Maud Lewis (1903-1970) was recognized and revered in her own lifetime. She offered her endearing images to the passing world through her roadside sign, "Paintings for Sale," and was rewarded by the enthusiastic response she received from both the community and tourists as well as from art collectors.
The Illuminated Life of Maud Lewis is an invitation to share once again with the world the perceptions of this celebrated Nova Scotia folk artist in prose, photographs, and reproductions of her works.
This book is a genuine look at this very special woman. Written by a native to the region where she grew up it is a lovely written book about the Canadian folk artist Maud Lewis. The movie Maudie strays from some of the details of her life but for the most part tells you what a strong and beautiful spirit she was. Her art reflected what she saw around her. Maud Lewis never did many of the normal things other girls her age did, yet she had a depth that gave her art a beautiful view into her world. She lived in poverty in a tiny house that didn't have a inside bathroom, electricity or an ice box. None of these things kept Maud Lewis from making the most stunning pictures of the surrounding countryside in Nova Scotia. The book is beautifully written, and her paintings are just lovely. Maud Lewis was a beautiful soul that transcended her dire living situation and saw the beauty in nature and reflected that in her wonderful work.
ISBN: 9781551092171
Asking $35.00.
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