Teachers in Christian School, Sunday School etc Introduction
1. New Banner Jesus is your friend forever $8
2. Laminated, bulletin board Manger scene pictures 2 & 3, $10
3. laminated new poster Go against the Flow $8
4. laminated, new poster Pursue your Dreams $8
5. Albert Tait and the Terrible Hex, 5 day teaching series, the true story of Albert Tait, who along with his wife Rhonda, is a missionary, 33 page book including 28 pages of large drawings $10.
6. Of Love and Danger - a True Story, a 13 page laminated book which includes 11 pages of large drawings, $8
7. Love, love, love - a song book with pictures. Lyrics and music included on a sheet as well as on the book's back cover, $5
8. new Stop Go Watch song and music with prompts for daily vacation bible school, Sunday school, etc $5
9. new Fun Fillers for Church, Home, and School. games, finger fun, and music Ages 2-4, $5
and Ages 5-7 $5