Summer Infant Double Stroller - Side by Side - Brand New in Box

Summer Infant Double Stroller - Side by Side - Brand New in Box Introduction

THEME PARK APPROVED! Sturdy, yet easy to maneuver, with a lightweight compact fold that fits easily in your trunk. The Summer™ 3Dpac™ CS+ double stroller allows your children to ride side by side, with individual seat reclines for napping. Loads of features for parent convenience and child comfort. This stroller supports your growing family from day 1, with car seat compatibility*. Lightweight (23.5 lbs.) with 1-hand, self standing compact fold; holds 2 children, up to 50 pounds each Two large canopies with flip out sun visors + peek a boo windows; large storage basket, parent cup holder + storage pockets Individual seat reclines Child sippy cup pockets Carry handle and auto-lock


Strollers, Carriers & Car Seats
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