
stroller Introduction

I will sell a stroller by Maxi Cosi, the stroller is designed for children aged 0-4 years. The stroller is in good condition, there is a small catch on the back of the seat (shown in the photo) and there is no handle for the child, you can order it on Amazon, the price starts at $20. The kit includes a cup holder, a mini bag for small items (shown in the photo), a toy and a footmuff (withstands temperatures down to -20), all the wheels are intact, they are made of very strong material and you don’t need to worry that you can puncture a wheel. The beautiful turquoise color will stand out in snowy weather, not leaving passers-by without attention. The amount in the store is $600, I ask $100 for the stroller, this is a completely reasonable price for such a stroller. We loved our stroller very much, but the time has come to say goodbye to it. The price is fixed at $100, cash only!!!!! I will not answer questions about transferring to a card! The stroller is cleaned and ready for sale


Strollers, Carriers & Car Seats
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