Sony PVM-20M4U & BVM-D9H5J for trade

Sony PVM-20M4U & BVM-D9H5J for trade Introduction

Still on the hunt for a good condition & fully working G520 (or 2070sb) below 10k hours to replace my defunct VX1120. Hoping that offering the 20" on top of the 8" BVM might help gather some more interest this time around. Also adding 1000$ for a G520 (or 1250$ for the G520P variant) or 1750$ for a 2070SB. Any rebrand is fine as long as it isn't a Dell P1130, HP P1130 or HP P1230. The 20M4U has a few problems, but the tube is still nice and sharp with no scratches on the screen or any phosphor defects. D9H5J is pretty solid/low hours with no issues I can see, comes with the 4:3 mask and BKM-129x + BKM-142HD. Problems and work done on the 20M4U: - Damaged corner on the top left. The internal part of the bracket holding the tube is slightly cracked as well, but still stable (see 8th and 9th image) - Spot killer circuit is malfunctioning, causing a white blob to appear for a about 2-3 seconds when shut off. Can't get a clear video of it, but there are some on the crtgaming subreddit. Common problem with M4s, no fix is currently known sadly :( - Tube itself is a little bit tilted. Not really a big deal and can be physically adjusted if you really wanted to, but just thought I'd point that out. - Sometimes I'll notice very small dark spots on the left side where the purity is a bit off, but not very noticeable and adjustable with the landing setting in the menu at the expensive of tilting the image a bit (or you can adjust via internal purity rings) - Slightly louder whine than the 15kHz noise coming from the PSU section (I think) after on for a bit. - I replaced caps C592 and C512 because I found them to be bad on my ESR meter. Some solder was applied to a couple points on the flyback that seemed iffy. Not a perfect unit by any means, but one I like and don't mind putting it up if it'll help my search. Can't travel much so must be a local trade in Fredericton. Units are not up for sale so please don't ask! I only like to trade for units I want because NB sucks and is very dry when it comes to good CRTs


Condition: Used - Fair
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