Siege auto coquille MaxiCosi

Siege auto coquille MaxiCosi Introduction

Coquille MaxiCosi, avec housse noire detachable et lavable. Le siege et differentes fixations sont en excellent etat, aucun accident de voiture durant la periode d’utilisation. La housse est en bon etat general. Date de manufacture indiquee (31 Janv. 2017) sur le collant originel. Indications sur taille/poids aussi indiquees sur le fauteuil. Baby car seat MaxiCosi, with removable and washable black cover. The plastic seat and fixations are in excellent state, there were no car accidents with this seat. The cover is in a good shape. Manufacturing date (31 Jan 2017) noted on orignal sticker. Notes about child height/weight are also provided on the seat.


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