Streamline Your Feeding Operation This Season with MJ Endeavors Automated Gates! No longer need to get on and off your tractor to open gates!
Discover Your Savings Potential:
Head over to our website, and use our interactive Savings Calculator. It takes just a minute to input your feeding routine details (frequency, gates, and loads per trip). In return, you'll get a personalized breakdown of potential savings – real numbers on time, money, and even safety improvements.
Feeding once daily through 3 gates, twice per gate with a bale (6 loads total), with an average gate opening/closing time of 3 minutes for a 180-day season:
The traditional way of opening and closing gates results:
• $7560.00 in labor and equipment costs.
• 108 hours per season just opening gates.
• 13.5 eight-hour days of equipment needlessly idling while opening the gates.
• 4320 gate openings/closings (and the need to physically use the tractor steps that many times).
Sounds unbelievable? Check out our Interactive Savings Calculator at
Now taking orders for the upcoming feeding season! Book now to ensure availability and to start saving money, and time and add an added degree of safety to your feeding routine!