Price is firm. Lots cheaper beat up and missing parts.
This trike can be converted as your child grows to push them with a shade , steering handle , back brace with seat belts and support arm to keep them In. With a cup holder which is all removable as they grow to a full pedal tricycle they can pedal and steer on there own within seconds with out the need for tools. 4
Is in great condition for boys or girls
Pickup available from 12-9pm daily.
Sells on Amazon for $210 plus tax. Save big with a great safe bike.
TRICYCLES IN 1: This tricycle grows with your child through different riding stages. Easily convert between 4 growing stages by removing the accessories.
AGES 1 YEAR TO 5 YEARS: The 4 stages include toddler trike (12 mos. : 18 mos.), steering trike (18 mos. : 24 mos.), learn-to-ride trike (2 : 3 yrs.), and classic trike (4 : 5 yrs.).
REMOVABLE ACCESSORIES: The removable accessories allow this tricycle to grow with your child. The accessories include an adjustable UV protection canopy, wrap around tray, headrest and seat belt, foot rest, and parent push handle.
GREAT FOR OUTDOOR USE: UV protection canopy protects from the sun. High density foam tires provide a quiet and smooth ride.
PARENT-CONTROLLED STEERING: The height adjustable parent push handle provides easy control. The foam grip adds comfort. The push handle is removable for when the child can ride on their own..SPECIFICATIONS: Assembled product dimensions: 35 inch x 19.9 inch x 40.75 inch. Maximum weight capacity 42 lbs..Skill Level: Beginner