PROJECTORS Repair Service Inexpensive FREE ESTIMATE Toronto GTA

PROJECTORS Repair Service Inexpensive FREE ESTIMATE Toronto GTA Introduction

ROSEBUD TECHNOLOGIES provide high quality LED,LCD and DLP projector repairs Our technicians are certified and have over 25 years experience. Our qualified technicians can perform troubleshooting as well as repairs of many components. Whenever possible we try to repair a part before replacing it. The landed cost to you is much less than what a manufacturer charges for a replacement part. WE REPAIR THE FOLLOWING BRANDS OF PROJECTORS : ACER 3M ASK PROXIMA BARCO BENQ BOXLIGHT CANNON CHRISTIE CTX DAVIS DELL DUKANE EIKI ELMO EPSON FUJISTSU HITACHI IBM INFOCUS COMPAQ HP INFOCUS JVC KODAK LG NEC OPTOMA PANASONIC SONY SANYO DIAGNOSIS Diagnosis of your machine is FREE PROJECTOR REPAIR RATES We offer reasonable rates for all projector repairs * Surface mount component level repair * All repairs done with warranty Tel: (905)752-0444 Toll Free: 1-800-752-7173 ROSEBUD TECHNOLOGIES 110 Konrad Crest., Unit #10, Markham, Ont. L3R 9X2 1 Light South of H.W. #407 and West of Woodbine Ave.


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