Professional Chain Stores Computer/ Laptop repair

Professional Chain Stores Computer/ Laptop repair Introduction

Got a problem for your desktop or laptop? We can fix it for you(403-7086082) We are the only Chain Stores in Calgary that can do repairs right before your eyes. We fix any model of your computers like MacBook , Dell, HP, ASUS and etc. We are Hightain Electronics,the most professional stores doing repair for all types of iPad ,all the other tablets and computers. We have 6 stores in Alberta to serve you at the best price with the best quality. We are open 7 days every week. You can just come by without appointment. Most work is done within 1 hour. We accept cash,debit and credit. Our locations are: Branch No.1: Unit 18,1423 Centre St.,NW,Calgary It is on the second floor of Lambda mall 403-708-6082(Call or Text)


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