NEW Insulated Vaulted Fiberglass Buildings

NEW Insulated Vaulted Fiberglass Buildings Introduction

NEW Insulated Vaulted Fiberglass Buildings

Vaulted Fiberglass Buildings meet the growing need for flat wall structures to accommodate a wide range of Agriculture and Oil & Gas applications such as: Storage Sheds, Watering Bowls, Wellheads, Injection Wells, Meter Runs and Instrumentation Buildings.

Built using a Double Wall System which encapsulates the foam core protecting it from deterioration, delamination, and rodents.
  • Provides Superior Strength and Durability
  • Pre-Engineered, Light Weight, Easily and Repaired
  • Economical, Virtually Maintenance Free
  • Fibreglass walls allow complete resistance against corrosion
  • Interior and Exterior flanges provide an anchor to various foundations
  • Complete line of accessories including wireline hatches, vents, and heaters
  • Buildings are manufactured in multiple sizes and options.
Buildings starting from: $13,995.00

6' Sizes Options: 6'x6', 6'x9'
8' Sizes Options: 8'x8', 8'x10', 8'x12', 8'x16'
10' Sizes Options: 10'x12', 10'x14', 10'x16', 10'x18', 10'x20'

Peak Height is 9' and Sidewalls Outside is 8'. Subtract about 1" for inside dimensions.

Building Addons:
  • 24"x24" Windows, 71"x79" Double Doors
  • Louvered Vents, Hatches, Heater Brackets, Lighting
  • Optional Fabricated with Fire Retardant Materials
Call or Text for Pricing and Delivery Charges

CanAm Surplus Inc.
SK: (306) 580-8720
AB: (403) 620-7086
E: [email protected]


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