New Foremost Smooth Wall Hopper Bins / Forced Air 360 Introduction
New Foremost Smooth Wall Hopper Bins / Forced Air 360Designed for FARMERS by FARMERS. INNOVATION AWARD WINNER (Agri-Trade Bin Design)FORCE AIR 360The Patent Pending, structurally engineered Forced 360 Line has incorporated the skid and legs into a uniquely efficient and effective aeration system that give the bins a superior advantage. Uniform airflow throughout. No radial bars for unencumbered chute access.
EVEN AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMMounted on a broader, one-piece skid, the fan draws air into the skid, pushes it up the legs and into the bin through a series of outlets strategically placed along the face of the cone. PAMI (Prairie Agriculture Machinery Institute) reporting shows a uniform flow of air through the entire bin. By incorporating the existing infrastructure of the bin into the aeration system we have been able to eliminate some of the costs and inconveniences associated with more traditional aeration systems.
The wider skid formation is an excellent plenum for the aeration system, while providing a more stable foundation for the bin to stand on.
Bin Sizes:Model #: 1625 FA Bins | Bushels: 4962 | Cubic Ft: 5838 | Min Auger: 70'
Diameter: 16' | Peak Height: 39' 3" | Metric Tons: 164
Model #: 1825 FA Bins | Bushels: 6290 | Cubic Ft: 7400 | Min Auger: 70'
Diameter: 18' | Peak Height: 40' 8" | Metric Tons: 208
Foremost Smooth Wall Bins are available in a variety of configurations
Bins Complete With:Patented Force Air 360 Aeration | Full Base | 3 - Site Glasses | Lid Opener
Cone Manway | 2 - Roof Vents | 6x6 Legs (Largest in The Industry)
10ga Bottom Course | 12 ga Remaining on the shell
Transport trucking available upon request.
Contact:Authorized DealerCanAm Surplus Inc.
SE Sask - Shayne Mapletoft (306) 580-8720 E:
[email protected]