Foremost Eco Bins are a base model bin without the Advanced Aeration Systems that Foremost is known for. The bin is designed and constructed with the same high-quality materials and fabrication process as the FA, FT, and FTA bin lines. Bins are available baseless to sit on concrete or custom metalworks. We also offer a wide heavy-duty skid.
Smooth Eco Bin
Industry leading fabrication quality
Sandblast surface preparation to ensure long lasting paint performance
Lower Price Point than our FA and FTA bin products
No Radial Bars
Fully configurable with all available options including stainless steel slide gate, ladder safety cage, and the largest sight glasses on the market
ECO Bin Sizes: Model #: 1625 FE Bins | Bushels: 4962 | Cubic Ft: 5838 | Min Auger: 70' Diameter: 16' | Peak Height: 39' 3" | Metric Tons: 160
Model #: 1825 FE Bins | Bushels: 6290 | Cubic Ft: 7400 | Min Auger: 70' Diameter: 18' | Peak Height: 40' 8" | Metric Tons: 201
Foremost Smooth Eco Bins are available in a variety of configurations
Transport trucking available upon request
Contact: Authorized Dealer CanAm Surplus Inc. SE Sask - Shayne Mapletoft (306) 580-8720 E: [email protected]