We sell warehouse rack, industrial shelving, cantilever racks and more.
We have one of the largest selections of redirack pallet rack stock in Canada
Sure there are lots of ads for racking on kijiji but most only have limited supply and selection and hope you will buy what they have to offer, not what you need.
Most of the used equipment available in the market on kijiji at this time is damaged, out of date and plain out garbage that should be in a scrap bin.
We can help - we have a large selection of pallet racking, wire mesh decks, cantilever rack and industrial shelving in stock and available for immediate pick up or quick ship delivery.
Call now to reserve your storage equipment
Stock we carry:
18" x 8' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
18" x 10' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
18" x 12' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
18" x 14' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
18" x 16' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
24" x 8' welded frames ( 14 gauge)
24" x 8' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
24" x 10' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
24" x 12' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
24" x 12' welded frames (13 gauge)
24" x 14' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
24" x 16' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
36" x 8' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
36" x 10' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
36" x 12' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
36" x 14' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
36" x 16' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
42" x 8' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
42" x 10' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
42" x 12' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
42" x 14' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
42" x 16' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
42" x 12' welded frames (13 gauge)
42" x 16' welded frames (13 gauge)
42" x 18' welded frames (13 gauge)
42" x 20' welded frames (13 gauge)
44" x 8' bolted frames (14 gauge)
44" x 10' bolted frames (14 gauge)
44" x 12' bolted frames (14 gauge)
44" x 14' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
44" x 16' bolted frames (14 gauge)
48" x 8' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
48" x 10' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
48" x 12' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
48" x 14' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
48" x 16' bolted frames ( 14 gauge)
Beams (14 gauge):
4' x 4" box beams 10,400 lb capacity
6' x 4" box beams 9170 lb capacity
8' x 2" step beams 1370 lb capacity
8' x 3.5" box beam 5180 lb capacity
8' x 4" step beams 5290 lb capacity
8' x 4" box beams 6530 lb capacity
8' x 5" box beams 8900 lb capacity
9' x 4" box beams 5720 lb capacity
10' x 5" box beams 7140 lb capacity
12' x 3" x 1.5" box beams 1580 lb capacity
12' x 5" x 1.5" box beams 5460 lb capacity
12' x 6" x 2" box beams 9170 lb capacity
8' back stop beams
9' back stop beams
Wire mesh decks:
24" X 46"
24" x 52"
36" x 46"
36" x 52"
42" x 46"
42" x 52"
42" x 58"
44" X 46"
44" x 52"
48" X 46"
48" x 52"
54" x 46"
Pallet Safety Bars:
24" universal pallet bars
36" universal pallet bars
42" universal pallet bars
44" universal pallet bars
48" universal pallet bars
42" clip in pallet bars (for step beams) * galvanized
Long Span Shelving (light duty racking):
6' tall x 24" deep
8' tall x 24" deep
4' long - 2000 lb capacity
6' long - 1350 lbs or 2000 lbs
8' long - 1050 lbs or 2000 lbs
Powder Coat Color Blue
Cantilever Racking:
Columns: 8', 12' and 16 tall' (columns rated for 8000 lbs per side)
Bases: 24", 36" and 48" long
Arms: 24" (2000 lb capacity), 36" and 48" arms rated for 1000 lb, 2000 lbs and 3000 lbs per arm.
Bracing: 48" and 60" bracing X brace and horizontal braces. We also stock removable pipe stopper attachments.
Color Grey
Industrial Shelving:
Please contact us for sizes available.