Marilyn Monroe Coffee Book - Christmas Present HARD COVER
Calgary, AB T2E 3R4
Marilyn Monroe Coffee Book - Christmas Present HARD COVER Introduction
Hello to fellow admirers of Marilyn Monroe,
I have created and designed a coffee “ hard cover “book of altered Marilyn Monroe Photographs. This is the first in a series of 3 books. The final stage is to exhibit the photographs in a gallery. This is a 5 year endeavour. Before I can print the second and third Marilyn Monroe Hard Cover Coffee Books, I need to sell copies of the first book. The price is $100 per book plus shipping, there are 176 pages. Before I can print books 2 and 3 of Marilyn Monroe in the first book. Please have a look and thank you for considering to purchase a copy. The tittle of the book is Marilyn Monroe Reimagined. Should you only be interested in large photos, send me what size you want.
Siva Pillay
[email protected]