Mac Pro 2013 - 8 Core Intel XEON E5, 1T SSD with complete setup

Mac Pro 2013 - 8 Core Intel XEON E5, 1T SSD with complete setup Introduction

Ad is Up still available. No need to ask. 1x Mac Pro (Late 2013) tower 3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5 64 GB 1866 MHz DDR3 RAM AMD FirePro D700 6GB Dual Graphics 1T SSD 1x Apple Thunderbolt Display 27" (2560x1440) - free (There's some issue with the monitor. It sometime flashed a couple of time and went to black. There's a solution to solve this by replacing it's Thunderbolt cable.) 1x DELL E228WFP Display (22" 1680x1050) 1x Mac keyboard All in working condition except Thunderbolt Display 27".


Brand: Apple
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