Legendary vintage, original Klipsch Hersey HWO (Hersey Walnut Oil finish) Speakers. Made in USA in 1979. All original, no modifications, no repairs/re-foaming etc. and in great working condition. Second owner. One of the most successful and longest run Speakers in the world. They started Horn loaded revolution back in 1960s and you can still buy the current model Hersey IV single
Speaker for 2,499 CAD + GST (pair for 5,000 CAD + GST).
Edgemont NW Calgary
In great overall condition, with two cosmetic notes,
- Original speaker binding posts with small bits, works fine for bare wire, but for more modern cables/banana plugs many people upgrade to 5 way binding posts.
- one tiny surface pinhole/mark in wood veneer on top left and right of the speakers, not deep.
Keywords: sansui marantz akai technics tannoy bowers Wilkins kef Martin Logan