Gaming PC NVIDIA RTX 2060 full setup (all info in desc.)

Gaming PC NVIDIA RTX 2060 full setup (all info in desc.) Introduction

Selling my PC which is in mint condition since I have no use for it anymore. I work too much to play games looking for 600$ for just the PC or 900$ for full setup which includes... Razor deathadder v2 gaming mouse Curved samsung gaming monitor 32'' Surmen custom gaming keyboard 12x30 gaming mousepad Razor Elite gaming mic Gaming chair And your choice if you want the table Mint Gaming PC (Specs Below!) GPU is NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 CPU is AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6 Core proccesor DISK Drive is Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB Comes with a 512Gb external hard drive in the computer


Brand: Custom
Desktop Computers
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