Free Imsulation! New gov rebate

Free Imsulation! New gov rebate Introduction

Thousands of dollars rebated for improving the environment. Once again the Government has mandated Embridge Gas to rebate any gas, oil, and now electric customers who are thinking of updating their property to reimburse a percentage of the cost, All insulation reno's of bats, blown-in and spray foam, also includes doors/windows, heat pumps, and water tanks are entitled to a rebate. Any air sealing by spray foam and or caulking is an additional $ 180.00. Up to $ 40,000,00 in interest-free money for ( 10 year term ) on home improvements is available. If you are thinking of upgrading you may as well be paid for doing so . For free info call Ecosaves Sprayfoam at 1-800-635-1178 or Wayne cel 705-344-5085 o obligation anytime.


Condition: New
Contact Owner
Jean Marsh