Flagro and Frost Fighter Heaters - RECONDITIONED

Flagro and Frost Fighter Heaters - RECONDITIONED Introduction

Shipping from Edmonton. Prices from $2200 to $5100. We have hundreds of used, reconditioned, Frost Fighter and Flagro portable indirect heaters( herman nelsons) . Best Prices and Highest Quality. Great for grain drying, construction, concrete work, shop heat etc. Some models are listed below. We have 500,000 btu, 400,000 btu, 350,000 and 200,00 btu units. Full tank of fuel included if you pick up the unit.(while supply lasts) Shipped they are empty. Frost Fighter IDF350ii (350,000 btu) with optional heat recover to fuel filter, diesel year =2014 $2700 RECONDITIONED Frost Fighter IDH400QR diesel -2017- Extra quiet and extra cfm for longer ducting. Great for grain drying - summer price $3900 RECONDITIONED Frost Fighter IDF350ii diesel - year 2022 - few if any hours, no secondary containment. $5100 Flagro FVO400 diesel (400,000 btu) year 2013 and 2014 $2400 (rusty versions that are repainted $2200 with tank of fuel if you pick it up) Flagro FVO400 diesel year 2014 (with heat recovery to fuel filter)$2800 RECONDITIONED Flagro FVO400 diesel year 2020 and 2021(has nozzle heater) $3900 RECONDITIONED 200,000 btu diesel Flagro also available $2700 RECONDITIONED On RECONDITIONED diesel units we go through and replace the following so you won't have any issues: clear fuel lines, new nozzle, new filter, new high temp safety switch, new adjustable fan switch, new protective controller cover(Frost Fighter). If we see any electrode wear then the electrodes are replaced with new ones. Flagro units also get new tank grommets. Frost Fighters have ignition strength tested and ignition replaced if necessary. Running great and ready to go. Fuel pressure is precisely set and air fuel mixture precisely calibrated . The price is above at our location in Edmonton where you can pick them up or we can deliver them to the shipping depot for delivery to Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, High Level, Ontario and even Atlantic Canada -freight costs are reasonable. Shipping daily with the best shipping prices. Inquire about shipping to your location or to a shipping company depot near you. Accessories: 12'x12 inch; Norseman Econorush sock - duct $159 each New 25'x12 inch Norseman Econorush sock - duct $265 each New we also sell "Y"s used heater socks-only in 24" 24inch x25' great condition-$160each New Thermostat with 30 foot cord for $229(waterproof with heavy duty, cold weather, chemical resistant cord) . Hundreds of satisfied customers! HeaterPro call Todd at: 780-668-0771


Condition: Used - Good
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