ECS 761GX-M754 V:1.0 motherboard

ECS 761GX-M754 V:1.0 motherboard Introduction

READ DESC BEFORE MESSAGING ECS 761GX-M754 V:1.0 motherboard fair/poor condition- needs cpu and gpu (integrated graphics no longer work wich is run through the northbridge controller, so no garuntee it works) socket 754 pci-e x-16 GPU slot 1- atx power supply input 1- 4 pin cpu lead 2- ATA 133 39-pin serial ports 1- floppy port 2- 184-pin DDR DIMM, 2GB max, supports DDR400/333/266/200 DDR SDRAM AMD athlon 64 /sempron contact eight2five-5six1-three25four text preffered - kijiji is not actively monitered so text / call is only reliable way to reach me


Condition: Used - Fair
System Components
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