The three-way full range loudspeaker system shall incorporatea 15-in LF transducer, a 10-in cone MF transducer and a 1.4-in exit compression driver HF transducer.The LF driver shall be mounted in a vented enclosure tunedfor optimum low frequency response. The MF driver shall beloaded into a midrange horn constructed of 3mm birch ply-wood reinforced with high density polyurethane foam. The MFhorn shall incorporate a phase/displacement plug. The HFdriver shall be loaded on a constant directivity horn with anominal coverage pattern of 90° (h) x 45° (v). An internalpassive filter network shall provide system equalization andfourth order acoustical crossover between the low and midfrequency sections in bi-amped mode .System frequency response shall vary no more than ±3 dBfrom 65 Hz to 17 kHz measured on axis. In bi-amped mode,the low/mid section shall produce a Sound Pressure Level(SPL) of 100 dB SPL on axis at 1 meter with a power input of1 Watt, and shall be capable of producing a peak output of134.5 SPL on axis at 1 meter. It shall handle 700 Watts ofamplifier power (continuous) and shall have a nominalimpedance of 8 Ohms. The HF section shall produce a SoundPressure Level (SPL) of 110 dB SPL on axis at 1 meter with apower input of 1 Watt, and shall be capable of producing apeak output of 138 SPL on axis at 1 meter. It shall handle 160Watts of amplifier power (continuous) and shall have a nom-inal impedance of 8 Ohms.In tri-amped mode, the low frequency and high frequency sec-tions shall meet all bi-amped mode performance criteria. Inaddition, the midrange frequency section in tri-amped modeshall produce a Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of 109 dB SPL onaxis at 1 meter with a power input of 1 Watt, and shall becapable of producing a peak output of 141 SPL on axis at 1meter. It shall handle 400 Watts of amplifier power (continu-ous) and shall have a nominal impedance of 8 Ohms.The loudspeaker enclosure shall be trapezoidal in shape. Itshall be constructed of multi-ply, void-free cross-grain-lami-nated Baltic birch plywood and shall employ extensive inter-nal bracing. It shall be finished in wear-resistant texturedblack paint. Input connectors shall be 2x Neutrik NL4Speakon and 2 x Neutrik NL8 Speakon. The system shallinclude a switch allowing it to be operated in bi-amp or tri-amp powering mode. A total of six 3-position flytracks withintegral 3/8"-16 threaded mounting point (3 each top andbottom) shall be provided. The front of the loudspeaker shallbe covered with a powder coated perforated steel grillebacked with open cell foam to protect against dust.
Can be seen at Soo Video TV, 84 Albert St E., Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Monday-Thursday 9am-5:30pm. Pick up or local delivery available. Unable to ship this item.