Digital Fitness Connector for Peloton Bikes (power transmitter)
Ottawa, ON K1V
Digital Fitness Connector for Peloton Bikes (power transmitter) Introduction
Unlock your Peloton bike and broadcast your power data.
The Data Fitness Connector (DFC) data broadcaster is a device that allows Peloton bikes to communicate with fitness watches, head units, and apps—a feature that’s not available on stock Peloton bikes.
It reads power and cadence data in realtime, through a cable connected to your bike, and broadcasts them wirelessly to nearby devices, including those built around non-Peloton platforms like Zwift and Garmin.
This allows you to enjoy the built-in functionality of your bike while simultaneously utilizing features and services that depend on third-party platforms.
Sells for $120 USD + $20 USD + duties, and waiting time is 3+ months for shipments from Crowd Supply.