Dell Optiplex 790 (Intel i5 2500, 3.3Ghz) Small PC Tower

Dell Optiplex 790 (Intel i5 2500, 3.3Ghz) Small PC Tower Introduction

Facebook Link: Dell Optiplex 790 (Intel i5 2500, 3.3Ghz) Dell Optiplex 790 Small PC Tower, comes with 23" monitor, keyboard and mouse. Windows 10 Pro activated. Check pictures for information specification. Facebook Link: Dell Optiplex 790 (Intel i5 2500, 3.3Ghz) Dell Optiplex 790 Petite Tour PC, vient avec écran de 23", clavier et souris. Windows 10 Pro activé. Vérifier photos pour spécification information.


Brand: Dell
Desktop Computers
Contact Owner
Steve Racine