Data recovery, deleted files, memory card formatted

Data recovery, deleted files, memory card formatted Introduction

Has your hard drive suddenly failed? Are the files on your USB key(s) gone? Did you accidentally format your disk. I might be able to help. I will try to retrieve your information. Will charge you only if I am successful. Your cost will be as follow. $20 for the first 5 GB of data recovered $2 for each additional GB after that The above price is for the retrieval of the information. What I need is a media(HD, USB Stick, DropBox...) for me to copy the files onto. If you need me to supply an USB stick, I can do that. I will just add the cost of the USB key to my fee. I am located in the Barrhaven area. I am Downtown on some weekdays, so we can arrange to meet there. ** Other services. I can also help with the transferring of information for PC/Laptop for when you wish to install a larger size disk.


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