Computer/Laptop Repairs, Upgrades And Help Introduction
Serving Edmonton, Sherwood Park & Surrounding Areas
- In-Home/Mobile Service Also Available (Inquire)
- Pickup & Delivery Also Available (Inquire)
- Seniors SAVE 15% on all services!
All services are 100% guaranteed, hundreds of satisfied customers
5 star rating on Google
Services Include:
- Windows 10/11 Upgrades & Installation
- Windows Complete System Tune-Ups
- Virus Removal & Online Security
- Data Recovery & Backup Solutions
- Hardware Upgrades
- Software Installations (MS Office 2021 $49.00 Installed/Activated)
- Custom Computer Builds & Computer Upgrades
Refurbished desktops & laptops - 30 day parts warranty, 30 days free remote support
Trade-ins accepted (conditions apply)
Parts: PC/Laptop memory, hard drives, video cards etc.
Drop-Off Location Near Sherwood Park
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