Car Seat, Stroller, & Clothing

Car Seat, Stroller, & Clothing Introduction

The car seat is an Evenflo, 5 position, 3 stages (rear, forward, booster) car seat. Expires on June 3, 2029. Asking $240. The stroller is a Summer 3D Flip stroller. It can flip from rear facing to forward facing by changing the angle of the back rest. It also folds down for easy storage and transportation. Asking $80. Buy both items together for $300 or best offer. We also have baby to toddler clothing. Sizes range from about 12 - 18 months up to 4T with some 5T sizes. Both boys and girls. Bring your own reusable shopping bags and fill each bag with as much as you can for $10 per bag. A lot of the clothing is from Oshkosh/Carters. Call or text me, 3065701464, or my wife, 3065525770.


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