Atari Speaker hat , Royal blue open to offers

Atari Speaker hat , Royal blue open to offers Introduction

Hello, this is a royal blue Atari speaker hat. The speakers are in the brim of the hat and according to an interview on YouTube a while ago, I learned that the speakers are turtle Beach speakers that are in the brim of the hat. These hats are only sold in the continental United States from Atari so I had to wait until one appeared on eBay. His hat does have a little bit of wear and there's more wear on the manuals. It is a rechargeable Bluetooth speaker hat. Not that easy to come by in Canada or anywhere outside the United States. This hat is also a snapback so you can adjust the size. This hat has just been sitting on a shelf for a while now it’s in the original packaging $95 or best offer or open to trade for some hello Kitty or Guess or iPod shuffle in gold or maybe beats depending on color and model Also I am in Melfort


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