Almost new ERGO K860 Logitech ergonomic keyboard - New Price !
Montréal, QC H4B 2H2
Almost new ERGO K860 Logitech ergonomic keyboard - New Price ! Introduction
One of - if not - the best ergonomic keyboard on the market. Compatible withe PC and MAC.
- Reason of sale: Cannot use because it's an English keybord and I need French. Will work with French systems but not as easely as a french keyboard.
- Bought in October 2023 (proof of invoice) and was used until November (1 month), than I bought another keyboard.
- Comes in the box with everything that came with it new.
- Link for specs:
- Paid 149$ + tax. = 172 $
- Price not negotiable
- I accept cash only.
Thank you