9VDC Voltage Converter and Regulator for Guitar and Any DC Introduction
DC to 9VDC, > 1A Voltage Converter and Regulator with High Value and Quality Input and Output capacitors; Center Negative; for >= 12V Battery Use and Noise Reduction in Guitar Effect Pedals and any DC Power Supply
Attention : This must be read in full! There is no other way.
Please, note : The price is sky high, yet, the seller does not make enough money, even, to pay for the labour. The price is high, because, of the expensive, thick Aluminium, high quality enclosure and the expensive, high quality, capacitors and other components inside.
Please, also, note : A higher output current version ( <= 10A ) is available upon request, yet, at an even higher price.
This device is a DC to DC converter and voltage regulator. The device takes any input between 11.5V ( 11V typically ) and converts this input voltage into a tightly regulated, 9VDC output with more than 1A capability ( 1.5A, typically and, even, 2A or more may be possible under certain circumstances ).
For noise reduction and, even higher, ripple voltage rejection, the device uses a low noise voltage regulator IC and high value, high quality input and output capacitors, such as Nichicon ( many types ) electrolytic capacitors, Murata X7R, NTE X7R ( 100V, low ESR ), all made in Japan, etcetera.
The best, but, not the only one, application of this device is to connect to a standard car, motorcycle, lawn mower, jet ski, snowmobile, recreational, etcetera, 12VDC battery. The noise level is supposed to be zero or close to zero because of the lack of noise in the battery. The battery must never be discharged under 11.4VDC or the battery will be damaged. Typically, batteries are allowed to discharge to 11.8VDC to avoid damage. Therefore, the device will be able to provide a stable, clean 9VDC from any standard 12VDC battery.
This device is to reduce or eliminate the noise of guitar pedal effects and anything powered by a DC power supply with a maximum input voltage, lower than or equal to 30DC.
To lower the noise, there is no any reverse polarity protection, fuses, etcetera. Thus, reverse polarity will damage this and other devices.
This device uses mainly high quality capacitors, such as Nichicon ( many types ) electrolytic capacitors, Murata X7R, NTE X7R ( 100V, low ESR ), all made in Japan, etcetera.
This device uses 5A, plastic, DC Power Barrel, panel mount socket.
All of the sockets’ connections are CENTER NEGATIVE. This means the central pin of the DC Power Barrel sockets is connected to the negative connector of the power supply. The ring of the DC Power Barrel sockets is connected to the positive connector of the power supply.
The metal ( Aluminium ) enclosure is connected to the negative connector of the power supply and, therefore, to the central pin of the DC Power Barrel sockets. This is a CHASSIS NEGATIVE arrangement. The chassis must not touch any other conductor, connected to the positive connector of the power supply, such as the metal enclosure of any guitar effect, which, is connected to the positive connector of the power supply.
The enclosure is a high quality, thick, Aluminium enclosure, which, protects this and consequent device from electromagnetic noise.
Although high quality and fully made in Canada, this is a home made device.
This device complies with : CSA C22.2 NO. 62368-1 : 19 and UL 62368 - 1
4. This device must NOT be purchased before tried on the individual system. Because the device can be easily damaged by reverse polarity or over voltage, the seller must be present at the tests. For the same reasons, there is no money back guarantee or any other guarantee. After the tests, the device cannot be returned, whether working or not. Do not purchase when unsure!