7 Dough cutters

7 Dough cutters Introduction

For sale are 7 Dough cutters. I have 2 that have 5 blades and measure 16’’ blade to blade. The blades are 4” apart but they are adjustable to whatever you want. All 5 blades are 4” round. I have 1 that has 6 blades and measure 15’’ blade to blade. The blades are 3” apart but they are adjustable to whatever you want. All 6 blades are 4” round. I have 4 with 9 blades and measure 24 ½’’ blade to blade. The blades are 3” apart but they are adjustable to whatever you want. All 9 blades are 4”. NO PAYPAL, NO PAYMENT PLAN, NO TRADES I WONT EVEN REPLY TO EMAILS OR TEXTS ASKING. I am willing to hear all RESONABLE offers if you think a reasonable offer Is anywhere around or Under half my asking price that’s not reasonable so don’t bother I won’t Even respond to it also Will not respond to email or text asking what the lowest or final price is that I will take is so Make me an offer I’m selling them for $150 each OBO. For information please email, Text anytime or call 204-297-7401 after 6pm Mon – Fri or anytime on weekends. I live about 15KM East of the city.


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