6V6 GT TUBES Introduction

MANY NEVER USED NOS / SOME SLIGHTLY USED VINTAGE 6V6GT TUBES SELLING OFF GUARANTEED STRONG TESTED EXCELLENT WELL CARED FOR VINTAGE 1960's TUBES FROM OUR DAD's 56 YEAR COLLECTION! On-line sales Payable please by EMT No Paypal No credit cards Shipping to anywhere within Canada +$25.00 (1 - 6 tubes per order) Free shipping on orders of $250.00 or more! Thank you Best regards, stay safe and healthy with G-d's blessings! Exceptional outstanding matching pairs of NOS put away and never yet used strong tested 6V6GT tubes! Very nice sonics, fully balanced! If you're in the market for 6V6GT then these are the tubes you need! CBS / CONN-RCA / DELCO / FOMOCA / GE / HIT-RAY / HYTRON / HOFFMAN / KEN-RAD / LOWREY MAGNAVOX / MARCONI / MOTOROLA / PHILCO / RAYTHEON / ROGERS / SIGNET / SILVERTONE / SYLVANIA / TUNG-SOL / WESTINGHOUSE $70.00/matched pairs Matched Pairs @ $70.00/pair DELCO 6V6GT GE 6V6GT CONN-RCA 6V6GT GE 6V6GT FOMOCO 6V6GT HIT-RAY 6V6GT LOWREY 6V6GT PHILCO 6V6GT ROGERS 6V6GT SILVERTONE 6V6GT SYLVANIA 6V6GT Marconi 6V6GT Magnavox 6V6GT Motorola 6V6GT Westinghouse 6V6GT SHIPPING IS AVAILABLE TO ANYWHERE WITHIN CANADA + $25.00 (UP TO 6 TUBES) *FREE SHIPPING ON COMBINED ORDERS OF $250.00 OR MORE! $70.00/MATCHED PAIR PAYABLE BY E-TRANSFERS NO PAYPAL Assorted vintage 6V6GT Tubes @ $30.00 each tube On-line sales Payable please by E-TRANSFERS No Paypal No credit cards Shipping to anywhere within Canada +$25.00 (1 - 6 tubes per order) Free shipping on orders of $250.00 or more! Thank you! Best regards, stay safe and healthy with G-d's blessings! Our vintage tubes are all from the 1960's a 55+ year collection! If you're in the market for 6V6GT vintage excellent tubes then these are the tubes you need! All strong tested tubes! Singles $30.00/tube Any matching pair for $70.00 Pairs: GE SILVERTONE HIT-RAY 6V6GT FOMOCO 6V6GT PHILCO 6V6GT EMERSON 6V6GT MAGNAVOX LOWERY WESTINGHOUSE GE 6V6GT BLACK BASE PHILCO 6V6GT HIT-RAY 6V6GT (Japan) ROGERS 6V6GT SYLVANIA 6V6GT SILVERTONE Available matching pairs: DELCO 6V6GT CBS 6V6GT FOMOCO 6V6GT GE 6V6GT HIT-RAY 6V6GT (JAPAN) KEN-RAD 6V6GT/G LOWERY 6V6GT MAGNAVOX 6V6GT MARCONI 6V6GT MOTOROLA 6V6GT PHILCO 6V6GT RAYTHEON 6V6GT R ROGERS 6V6GT SYLVANIA 6V6GT WESTINGHOUSE 6V6GT All @ $70.00/matched pairs Single 6V6 available @ $30.00/Tube: New(NIB): JJ 6V6S NIB REALISTIC 6V6GTA NIB SIGNET 6V6GT TUNG-SOL 6V6GT NIB DUMONT 6V6GT TUNG-SOL 6V6GT PHILCO 6V6GT 6V6 GT Black Metal Tubes ROGERS 6V6GT MAGNAVOX MOTOROLA SILVERTONE SYLVANIA JJ 6V6S DUMONT 6V6GT DELCO 6V6GT WEBCOR 6V6GT HYTRON 6V6GT CBS 6V6GT GE 6V6GT HIT-RAY 6V6GT (JAPAN) KEN-RAD 6V6GT/G RAYTHEON REALISTIC LIFETIME 6V6GT ROGERS 6V6GT SYLVANIA 6V6GT WEBCOR 6V6GT WESTINGHOUSE 6V6GT -DUMONT -HOFFMAN -HYTRON -TUNG-SOL 6V6GT -JJ 6V6S -REALISTIC 6V6GTA -JAN-CRC RCA 6V6 BLACK METAL -JAN-RCA 6V6Y BLACK METAL + Several Black Metal 6V6 Tubes On-line sales All tube orders need to be placed here on-line Not a retail store Not open to public Pre-paid GTA pick up is at Finch-Dufferin area We ship to anywhere in Canada! Shipping to anywhere within Canada +$25.00 (1-6 tubes) Free shipping on orders of $250.00 or more! Orders are payable by e-transfer emt/eft No cash sales due to counterfeit $$ and criminal theft No Paypal Thank you!


Condition: Used - Like new
Contact Owner
acey deucey