2.5" SATA SSD 1TB 512GB 500GB 256GB 250GB 128GB 860 Pro Samsung

2.5" SATA SSD 1TB 512GB 500GB 256GB 250GB 128GB 860 Pro Samsung Introduction

2.5 inches SATA, Used or New, Solid State Hard Drive SSD HDD. SK Hynix SanDisk Lite-on WD Micron Adata Lexar Kingston. - 256GB used Samsung PM871b. $17.9. 50. - 256GB Brand New. $22.9. 3. . . - 1TB New pulled Lexar Adata (tested 3 days). $48.9. 2. - 1TB Brand New Kingfast Suneast. $46⁹.9. 25. - 1TB used WD Blue. $65. 1. - 1TB used WD Blue SK Hynix & fresh Win 10 Pro. $69.8. 1. - 1TB used Samsung 850 860 Pro & fresh Win 10 Pro. $84.9. 1. . . - 480GB 512GB used Intel Micron Enterprise DC. Buy 10+, $34.9 each. Buy 1, $36.9. 12. - 512GB used Samsung PM871b. $42.8. 2. - 512GB Brand New Lexar. Buy 200+, $26.8 each. Buy 50+, $28.8 each. Buy 1, $34.9. 220. - 512GB used Samsung 850 860 Pro & fresh Win10 pro. $52.9. 1. . . - 256GB used Micron SanDisk. Buy 50+, $13.5 each. Sold. - 256GB used Samsung PM871b. Buy 50+, $14.5 each. 50. - 250GB used Samsung 850 860 Pro Evo & fresh Win 10 Pro. $32.9. - 250GB used Samsung 850 Pro Evo & fresh Win 11 Pro. $36.9. - 256GB used Samsung 860 Pro Evo & fresh Win 11 Pro. $39.9. - 256GB used Micron Toshiba SanDisk Crucial & fresh Win 11 Pro. $27.9. 8. - 256GB used SanDisk & fresh Win 10 Pro. $27.9. 1. . . - 128GB used. $9.8. 1. On hold. - 128GB used with fresh Windows. $16.8. 2. _____________________________________________ Used or new. 100% working. No bad sector. Very good health & conditions. 30 days hardware warranty. Can refund if 30% restocking fee. Can deliver $15 to $35 depending on address. Cash no tax. 30 years in business. Home store computer reseller. No lowballers please. Item available if you see this ad.


Condition: Used - Good
System Components
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