2023 CFA Level 1 Kaplan SchweserNotes (Books 1-5) Introduction
Brand New!
Ace your CFA Level I exam with this brand new set of Kaplan SchweserNotes for the 2023 curriculum! This essential study package includes all five volumes, with comprehensive coverage of Quantitative Methods, Economics, Financial Reporting, Fixed Income, and more. The books are in excellent condition.
What’s Included:
• SchweserNotes™ Books 1-5: All five volumes for complete CFA Level I prep, designed by Kaplan for efficient studying and exam success.
Why Buy?
Get a brand new set of top-quality CFA study materials at a great price, without paying full retail. Ideal for candidates preparing for upcoming exams.
Price: $300 CAD
Feel free to message if you’re interested or have any questions!