2 Haut-parleurs Wharfedale (UK) Super 12/RS/DD Speakers Pair
Montreal, QC H4P 2G9
2 Haut-parleurs Wharfedale (UK) Super 12/RS/DD Speakers Pair Introduction
Rare paire de haut parleurs britanniques 12 pouces vintage années 1960 en état original quasi-neuf, parfait état de marche, aucun domage, peuvent être re-testés avant achat. Ramassage secteur Décarie, métro Crémazie ou Ouest de l'Ile. Voir spécifications plus bas. $390 la paire.
Rare pair of 12-inch 1960s vintage British speakers in like-new condition, perfect working order, no damages, can be re-tested before purchase. Pickup Decarie area, Crémazie métro or West-Island. See specs below. $390 for the pair.
No crossover needed. The surround on these models does not degrade like foam surrounds on cheaper speakers.
Super: a more powerful Alcomax III magnet.
12: diameter.
RS = roll surround . It is a rubber impregnated cloth material.
DD = double diaphram. A twin cone. That is what makes it a full frequency range speaker. You can see the high frequency cone in the centre of the main cone. Commonly called a wizzer cone.
So in one unit, you have a large low frequency woofer cone, and a smaller upper frequency cone in one.
Specifications from the 1964 Wharfedale catalogue:
Impedance 12 / 15 ohms only.
Flux density 17,000 oersteds.
1 3/4 " dia. centre pole.
Aluminium voice coil.
Max. input 20 watts rms or 40 watts peak.
Frequency range 25 - 20,000 c/s. "
Weight 13 pounds /1